The Questrade API allows developers to create their own fully featured trading and analytical applications through their brokerage account.
GET markets/quotes/options
Retrieves a single Level 1 market data quote and Greek data for one or more option symbols.
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
filters | Complex | Input array of OptionIdFilter structures |
ids | Integer[ ] | Input array of option IDs.
Option filters based on underlying Ids
Name | Type | Default | Description |
optionType | Enumeration | Option type | |
underlyingId | Integer | Underlying ID
| |
expiryDate | DateTime | Expiry date | |
minstrikePrice | Double | 0 | Min strike price |
maxstrikePrice | Double | 0 | Max strike price |
Response properties
Property | Type | Description |
quotes | Complex | List of Level1OptionData records. |
Level1OptionData | Complex | |
underlying | String | Underlying name |
underlyingId | Integer | Underlying ID |
symbol | String | Symbol name |
symbolId | Integer | Symbol ID |
bidPrice | Double | Bid price |
bidSize | Integer | Bid size |
askPrice | Double | Ask price |
askSize | Integer | Ask size |
lastTradePriceTrHrs | Double | Last trade price trade hours |
lastTradePrice | Double | Last trade price |
lastTradeSize | Integer | Last trade size |
lastTradeTick | Enumeration | Last trade tick |
lastTradeTime | DateTime | Last trade time |
volume | Integer | Volume |
openPrice | Double | Open price |
highPrice | Double | High price |
lowPrice | Double | Low price |
volatility | Double | Volatility |
delta | Double | Delta |
gamma | Double | Gamma |
theta | Double | Theta |
vega | Double | Vega |
rho | Double | Rho |
openInterest | Integer | Open interest |
delay | Integer | How much is data delayed |
isHalted | Boolean | Whether or not the symbol was halted |
VWAP | Double | Volume Weighted Average Price |
The underlyingId and expiryDate fields are required in filters. Other fields are optional (if you need multiple expiries, specify multiple filters). You can specify an OptionIds and/or a filters vectors in any given request.
Sample request
POST { “filters”: [ { “optionType”: ”Call”, “underlyingId”: 27426, “expiryDate”: ”2017-01-20T00:00:00.000000-05:00”, “minstrikePrice”: 70, “maxstrikePrice”: 80 }, ... ], “optionIds”: [ 9907637, 9907638, ... ] }
Sample response
{ “optionQuotes”: [ { “underlying”: ”MSFT”, “underlyingId”: 27426, “symbol”: ”MSFT20Jan17C70.00”, “symbolId”: 7413503, “bidPrice”: 4.90, “bidSize”: 0, “askPrice”: 4.95, “askSize”: 0, “lastTradePriceTrHrs”: 4.93, “lastTradePrice”: 4.93, “lastTradeSize”: 0, “lastTradeTick”: ”Equal”, “lastTradeTime”: ”2015-08-17T00:00:00.000000-04:00”, “volume”: 0. “openPrice”: 0, ���highPricehighPrice”: 4.93, “lowPrice”: 0, “volatility”: 52.374257, “delta”: 0.06985, “gamma”: 0.01038, “theta”: -0.001406, “vega”: 0.074554, “rho”: 0.04153, “openInterest”: 2292, “delay”: 0, “isHalted”: false, “VWAP”: 0 }, ... ] }