Edge Mobile’s customizable, live streaming watchlists allow you to keep up with important market movements so you never miss the action.
Lesson Creating a Watchlist
Questrade Edge Mobile watchlists
Discover the interactive, feature-rich watchlists available in Edge Mobile.
Check out the short video overview below, or continue reading for more in-depth information.
Note: Securities shown are for illustrative, educational, and visual purposes only, and should not be relied upon as financial advice. The information provided is not intended to be and should not be construed as a recommendation, offer, or solicitation to buy or sell.
Navigating the watchlists page
- The buttons at the top allow you to switch between viewing your watchlists and events.
- This menu allows you to switch between viewing different watchlists.

3. Select any of the securities from your watchlist to bring them up in the compact quote drawer at the bottom of your screen.
- You’ll see the ticker, description, a mini-chart and a short quote.
- To view more information at the bottom, slide the information drawer up on your screen using the arrow to bring up a full quote.
- You can change your display preferences between a compact and full quote anytime in your Settings.
4. The function buttons on the right hand side allow you to view more detailed information, and edit your watchlists.
Creating and customizing watchlists
Using the buttons above your watchlist next to #5 in the visual above, you’re able to create new watchlists, customize existing ones or change your display to view more information.

The button on the left on the shows you information about the streaming quotes in your watchlist. If your watchlist contains securities that you don’t have a market data package subscription for, this icon will also be shown beside the security. Those delayed quotes will only refresh when you reload this page.
The next button with the grid turns the additional columns of information on or off. When you tap this button, the mini chart is hidden and replaced with more detailed information and quotes.
The plus button allows you to add symbols to your selected watchlist. After you tap this, simply type in the name or ticker to search for your Stock or ETF.
The 3 dots button on the right side will bring up a menu with more options to edit or create new watchlists as well as to modify your smart alerts for this specific watchlist.
Editing watchlists
When you tap the button with 3 dots, the following menu will appear:

- Rearrange the order of your current watchlist using the Sort by button
- Create a new watchlist using the Create watchlist button
- Edit the securities in your current watchlist or the name of the watchlist
- Modify the smart alerts for this specific watchlist
- Remove/delete this watchlist
- Full screen mode which enables a landscape view for a more detailed overview of your watchlist.
- Cancel and go back to your current watchlist
Click Edit watchlist to edit the watchlist you’re currently viewing.

You’re able to easily re-name, or add symbols to your watchlist at the top.
You can also drag and drop the different tickers up and down using the lines on the right to re-order your watchlist to a custom order.
Tap the red X to remove symbols from the list.
Detailed watchlist view
You can toggle the detailed watchlist view using the grid button at any time to view additional information. You can even customize the columns to show or hide additional data points.
- Use the button with the grid to toggle the detailed view on or off.
- Tap the 3 dots button to edit or create a watchlist, you can also edit columns using this menu.
- Add additional data points like dividend information, EPS, Earnings dates, P/E & much more.
- Tap any of the column headers like Symbol, or Chg $ to re-order your watchlist to be ascending or descending of that column.

You can also swipe left or right to view additional columns of information in the more detailed watchlist view.
To customize what information is shown on this page, tap the menu button with 3 dots to add or remove columns.
When you tap on any of the symbols in your list, a compact quote window is shown at the bottom. You can swipe up at any time to expand this to a full quote.
Tip: If you prefer to only view full quotes, you can also disable the compact quote anytime in your Settings.

- Tap the magnifying glass or search bar to look for other tickers.
- The shortcuts buttons allow you to quickly access popular features.
- Tap the Star icon to add/remove this security from your watchlist.
- Tap the Bell icon to create a new Custom Alert.
- Tap the Streaming icon to view information about the streaming status of this quote.
- Below this, you’ll see a condensed level 1 quote showing important information at a glance.
- Swipe left to view a mini chart for the security you’ve selected, or swipe right to come back to the level 1 quote.
After you’ve swiped over, you’ll see a mini chart below the quote. You can also tap the green Trade button at the top right from either screen in the compact quote to quickly make a trade.

- Hold and drag your finger across the chart to view the price action at a specific time or date.
- Toggle between different time durations shown, or open the full screen chart with the icon on the right.
- Full screen charting enables rich candlestick (or other custom) charts, along with additional technical research tools.
Swipe left to switch back to viewing the condensed level 1 quote including the current Bid & Ask.
The events page
The events page shows upcoming events for the positions in your account(s).
This includes dividends, earnings, splits or other corporate actions.

Tap any of the symbols to open the mini quote at the bottom of your screen for more detailed information about the event (such as the dividend amount).
If you open the full quote page, you’ll also see some handy shortcuts to add these events to your device’s calendar.

This way you can set custom reminders and alerts so you never miss the action during an important earnings call for example.
Note: The information in this blog is for educational purposes only and should not be used or construed as financial or investment advice by any individual. Information obtained from third parties is believed to be reliable, but no representations or warranty, expressed or implied, is made by Questrade, Inc., its affiliates or any other person to its accuracy.
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