Lesson Transfers between Questrade accounts

Transferring cash between accounts

Learn all about how to make a request to transfer cash between Questrade accounts.

Follow these steps to request a transfer:

  1. Log in to Questrade
  2. Navigate to the “ACCOUNTS” side of the webpage if you’re on the trading platform
  3. Hover over the “REQUESTS” tab in the top navigation bar, and click “Transfer funds
Transfer cash request

Enter your transfer details

  1. Choose the ‘From’ or originating account from the drop-down menu.
  2. Select the ‘To’ or destination account below.

Please note: If you are transferring from a Questwealth account to a self-directed trading account, (Or vice-versa) please see the linked article in this lesson for more information. 

Transfer cash select account

Next, enter the dollar amount, and select the currency that you’re transferring.

If you need to convert funds, you can do so before, or after your transfer by using the ‘Exchange funds’ page found under the ‘REQUESTS’ tab on the main navigation bar

Transfer cash dollar amount

Lastly, click the green ‘SUBMIT’ button at the bottom right, and your request will be processed.

You can also follow up on your request by clicking the ‘Request history’ tab near the top of the page, feel free to check back here for updates regarding your transfer request.

Note: The information in this blog is for educational purposes only and should not be used or construed as financial or investment advice by any individual. Information obtained from third parties is believed to be reliable, but no representations or warranty, expressed or implied, is made by Questrade, Inc., its affiliates or any other person to its accuracy.

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