Lesson Questrade Trading

Questrade Trading Overview

Discover the Questrade Trading Platform: features, benefits, and more.

Questrade Trading Quote Page

The Questrade Trading platform is designed from the ground up for everyday investors.

Effortlessly deposit, monitor and manage your Self-Directed or Questwealth portfolio accounts online.

The web platform offers a user-friendly interface, making it easy to navigate through stocks, conduct thorough research, and place orders securely. Plus, with real-time quotes for stocks and ETFs, you can make informed decisions and stay ahead.

Our Questrade Trading platform is free to use, just like all our other platforms. You don't need a pro membership or paid access to enjoy its benefits.

More interested in trading on the go? Explore QuestMobile, our app for everyday investors.

Tip: For traders who prefer a free home or office-based trading solution, Questrade provides additional options such as Questrade Edge Mobile and Edge Web and Edge Desktop to cater to all advanced trading needs.

Navigating the platform

Now we're going to walk through some tips for navigating the platform. This will be slightly different if you're investing with a self-directed account or a Questwealth account.


To access Questrade Trading, head over to the top navigation bar of your Questrade account and click on either Trading or the green Trade button (on the far right) of your window.

Questrade Trading All Accounts Page
  1. At the top of the Trading window, you can easily switch between viewing All accounts or individual accounts separately.
  2. Your Total Equity (cash + investments) is displayed at the top of the chart.
  3. You can view more detailed balance information at the bottom, including your P&L (profit and loss).
    • Learn more about reading your balances here.
  4. Symbol lookup bar is where you can search for a company’s stock or ETF quote.
    • You can search for a symbol by name or with the ticker symbol.
    • When you select the symbol lookup bar a drop down menu is displayed with your recently searched stocks and ETFs. Here you will also see the top gainers, most active, best rated and most rated stocks that you can choose from.
  5. The Snap quote refresh button refreshes your balances and quotes to the most recent market price.
    • When you navigate a new window, your balances and quotes are automatically updated.
  6. Upcoming events are shown on the right. Click the small arrow to expand the view for more details.
  7. If you have any Open orders, they are shown here. Click the small arrow to expand the view for more details.
    • You can modify any open orders that have not filled yet by clicking the small pencil icon, or in the section below the chart.

Tip: If you have already added the more advanced Questrade Edge Web platform, you can still access Questrade Trading via the TRADING button on the top navigation bar and your account card from the accounts summary screen.

Questwealth Portfolios

If you select your Questwealth account from the top menu, you can see an overview of your Questwealth portfolio beside the chart.

This widget will show the portfolio type and risk level you selected.

There’s also a pie and bar chart below that helps explain the breakdown of your portfolio, and the types of investments in your account.

Questwealth Portfolio Widget

You can select the See more information button to view a detailed breakdown or modify your existing portfolio.

This area is where you can change your risk level if your investment circumstances have changed.

Questwealth Portfolio Widget Investment Breakdown

Below the chart and portfolio widget, you can also see a detailed description of the assets in your account, and a section to add your own securities to a watchlist.

In related articles, we’ll review reading your balances, account holdings, Watchlists, Trending stocks and News in more detail.

Note: The information in this blog is for educational purposes only and should not be used or construed as financial or investment advice by any individual. Information obtained from third parties is believed to be reliable, but no representations or warranty, expressed or implied, is made by Questrade, Inc., its affiliates or any other person to its accuracy.

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