Lesson Basic order types and durations

Order Confirmation Screen

Understand your orders when you place a trade.

When you place a trade with any of our platforms, you are shown an order confirmation pop-up. This page will give you a quick summary of your order so you can review all the details before confirming and sending it to the exchange.

This feature can also be turned off if you don’t need to confirm your trades before sending them. This is quite risky however, as a small typo can lead to significant issues. We recommend leaving the order confirmation on if possible.

  • If you wish to turn off order confirmations, click the “Settings” icon at the bottom left of the navigation bar, and click the checkbox next to “Show order confirmations”.

Note: This help article is for the Edge web and desktop platforms specifically.

Head to Explore QuestMobile, or Introduction to Questrade Trading for questions about those platforms.

When you click buy or sell within the web trading platform, you are shown the order confirmation window.

The summary at the top of the window shows your order:

  • The action (buy or sell)
  • Number of shares
  • The “ticker” of the investment you’re buying or selling
  • What type of order you used (market, limit, stop..)
  • If you used a limit or stop order, the price is also shown
Web Order Confirmation Preview
  1. This is the account used for the order. Please confirm this information if you have more than one Questrade account.
  2. This is the value of the trade. The amount of shares multiplied by the market value.
  3. Your maximum potential commission charges for the order.
  4. Your change in max buying power, (the total amount of cash used for the trade, including commissions).
  5. Your change in buying power, this is only applicable for Margin accounts.
  6. Your new maximum buying power after the trade has completed.
  7. Your new buying power after the trade has completed.
  8. Click “Send order” to confirm & send your order, or cancel your order here.

You can learn more about buying power and max buying power in this article here.

When you click buy or sell within the Questrade Edge trading platform, you are shown the order confirmation window.

The summary at the top of the window shows your order:

  • The action (buy or sell)
  • Number of shares
  • The “ticker” of the investment you’re buying or selling
  • What type of order you used (market, limit, stop..)
  • If you used a limit or stop order, the price is also shown
Questrade Edge Order Confirmation Preview
  1. This is the account used for the order. Please confirm this information if you have more than one Questrade account.
  2. This is the value of the trade. The amount of shares multiplied by the market value.
  3. Your maximum potential commission charges for the order.
  4. Your change in max buying power, (the total amount of cash used for the trade, including commissions).
  5. Your change in buying power, this is only applicable for Margin accounts.
  6. Your new maximum buying power after the trade has completed.
  7. Your new buying power after the trade has completed.
  8. Click “Send order” to confirm & send your order, or cancel your order here.

You can learn more about buying power and max buying power in this article here.

Note: The information in this blog is for information purposes only and should not be used or construed as financial, investment, or tax advice by any individual. Information obtained from third parties is believed to be reliable, but no representations or warranty, expressed or implied is made by Questrade, Inc., its affiliates or any other person to its accuracy.

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