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Resources to guide your homeownership journey

Find the information you need to confidently navigate the mortgage world.

First time home buyers

Programs for first-time home buyers

Explore the different programs available for you as a first-time home buyer.

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Couple calculating affordability

How much do I need as a first-time home buyer?

Understand how much you can afford and your down payment options.

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What you should know before applying for a mortgage

Learn how to successfully prepare your mortgage application.

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Frequently asked questions

  • What is the home buyers' plan?

    The Canadian Government’s Home Buyers' Plan (HBP) allows first-time home buyers to borrow up to $60,000 from their RRSP for a down payment, tax-free.

  • What is the difference between an open and closed mortgage?

    With a closed mortgage, you will receive a lower interest rate (compared to an open mortgage), but there is a maximum annual amount you can pay towards your mortgage balance without penalty.

  • What is the mortgage stress test?

    The mortgage stress test requires financial institutions to make sure a borrower can still make mortgage payments if interest rates increase.

  • What is the difference between a mortgage amortization period and mortgage term?

    Your mortgage amortization is the length of time until your mortgage is fully repaid, typically ranging from 25-30 years. Your mortgage will have a set term. The term is the length of time you are committing to your mortgage agreement.

  • What is mortgage refinance?

    A mortgage refinance refers to ending your current mortgage and replacing it with a new one. When you refinance, you can gain access to the equity in your home by adding to the size of your mortgage or lengthening the amortization period of your mortgage.

  • What is creditor insurance?

    Creditor insurance protects you and your family. It's used to pay out a mortgage balance or cover your mortgage payments on your behalf if something unexpected happens.

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